6. Enclose your the Completed Entry Form, Your Entry, and Your Entry Fee in an envelope with the correct stamps
It doesn’t matter what you write as a cover letter so long as we have the right documents.
7. If you would like confirmation that we have received your entry, please also include a Stamped Addressed Postcard, which we can simply put in the post back to you.
8. Post Your Envelope to us, postmarked no later than Wednesday 12 July 2023, addressed to:
King Lear Prizes
PO Box 704
19-21 Crawford Street
If you have any questions or need help submitting your entry, please contact the King Lear Prizes team on support@kinglearprizes.org or write to us at:
King Lear Prizes, PO Box 704, 19-21 Crawford Street, London, W1H 1PJ.